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FCCI’s self-guided assessments help you on your path to becoming a better Biblically-founded steward of the resources that God has entrusted to you.

  • Spiritual Maturity


    This assessment will help you determine and track your spiritual maturity level and growth.

    “As Christ's servants we must pursue a pathway to spiritual maturity to fully accomplish His perfect plan for our lives.”

    To track your progress, join today or login now
  • Servant Leadership


    Good leadership is critical to every organization. Use this assessment to and track your growth as a servant leader.

    “God works through leaders in every facet of life. As followers of Christ we are called to lead by his example, putting the needs others first.”

    This assessment is available to members only. To view, join today or login now
  • Organizational Excellence


    How closely do you operate your business in accordance with biblical business principles?

    “If we would pursue excellence in our roles for the sake of directors, principal owners, investors or customers - how much moreso should we pursue excellence for the sake of the true owner, God.”

    This assessment is available to members only. To view, join today or login now
  • Kingdom Company


    This assessment will help you evaluate your business as a kingdom-focused marketplace ministry.

    “Do you see your business, profession or career as a ministry of God? Do you understand there is an eternal perspective in all that you do in the work-place?”

    This assessment is available to members only. To view, join today or login now

FCCI is a 501(c)3 organization. Your membership is a charitable donation that help us provide business leaders like you with the tools to transform their businesses into a Christ-first force for marketplace ministry.